I've been an engineer, a music technologist, a designer, a product manager, and then an engineer again.

If you see meaning in variety, and share a desire to make things that solve real world problems, then send me an email. Or tweet at me.

JackTrip App
React NativeiOSAndroid

JackTrip App

JackTrip makes it easy to perform together online, and the JackTrip mobile app makes it easy to get your JackTrip hardware registered and get connected! Recently, we also added the ability to listen to JackTrip Radio broadcasts in the app.

I am the sole developer of JackTrip Mobile. It is built in React Native, leverages BLE to detect our JackTrip Bridge devices for registration, and leverages the JackTrip Virtual Studio API to connect those Bridges to Studios so our users can get connected and performing and rehearsing together online. I also do all App Store and Play Store release management and designed the entirety of the app myself.